2025-26 Catalog

College Level Examination Program (CLEP)

As a Valencia student, you may gain credit in certain specified courses through examinations of the College Level Examination Program (CLEP) from the College Board. The CLEP Examinations are administered via computer Monday through Friday on Valencia’s East, Osceola and West campuses. You must be a current or former Valencia student to test at Valencia; you may take a maximum of two exams on the same test date.

Fee schedules and information on specific courses for which CLEP credit may be granted, as well as registration forms, are available online through your Atlas account and in the campus Assessment Offices and online at https://valenciacollege.edu/assessments

If, at the time of testing, you request that your scores be sent to Valencia and you earn passing CLEP scores, the credits will be recorded as part of your official Valencia record approximately four weeks after the test date.

In order to receive college credit, you must have sent directly to Valencia an official CLEP score report that shows you earned the minimum required score on the CLEP examination from the College Board.

You may use CLEP credit under the repeat course policy for D or F grades only. Within the guidelines of the repeat policy, all attempts for a course will be counted in your GPA until you earn a grade of C or better when only the last attempt will be counted. If you earn an acceptable CLEP score in a course in which you have earned a D or F, the CLEP credit will be recorded and the D or F will no longer be computed in your GPA. No letter grades or quality points will be assigned.

Gordon Rule writing requirements can be partially satisfied via CLEP.

For further information about CLEP, visit the Assessment webpage at https://valenciacollege.edu/assessments