2025-26 Catalog

Experiential Learning

As a Valencia student, you may be awarded appropriate credit for your demonstrated knowledge gained from experiential learning. This learning may result from an industry certification, in-service training or employment experiences.

To request course credit based on experiential learning, you are required to provide documentation of the learning experience (certificates, employment records) and demonstrate acquired knowledge, skills, and competencies linked to the learning outcomes for the course(s) for which you are seeking credit. Credit for experiential learning is awarded based on portfolio assessment.

You may obtain an Experiential Learning Packet including the Request for Portfolio Assessment in Atlas under Student Forms. The Experiential Learning fee is reflected with the fees in the Financial Information and Fees section of this catalog and is assessed per credit requested. To apply for Experiential Learning credit, you must complete the Request for Portfolio Assessment form and submit it along with the fees to the Business Office prior to submission of the portfolio. Once the application process has been completed, you may submit your portfolio to the appropriate Academic Dean’s office. The Dean will assign the assessment to a faculty member qualified in the academic field who will provide a written evaluation of the assessment and determine if credit is to be awarded and, if so, the amount of credit.