2025-26 Catalog

Service Learning

Service Learning is a teaching and learning strategy that integrates meaningful community service with instruction and reflection to enrich the learning experience, teach civic responsibility, and strengthen communities. Service Learning allows students to blend educational goals with their passions.

At Valencia, students can participate in an independent Service Learning course SLS 2940 SERVICE LEARNING or SLS 2940H SERVICE LEARNING HONORS (with approval from the Director, Strategic Learning Initiatives).

With support from a faculty mentor, students engage in  hands-on learning through the development and implementation of a service project in partnership with an organization in the community. In addition to these requirements, SLS 2940H SERVICE LEARNING HONORS course content will satisfy one Honors Program learning outcome. SLS 2940 SERVICE LEARNING provides the opportunity for students to earn college credit while responding to real world needs, mutually defined in partnership with the community.

SLS 2940 SERVICE LEARNING and SLS 2940H SERVICE LEARNING HONORS provide students with a faculty-directed practical service learning experience in a community service setting.

Students can also participate in service learning in an integrated service learning course.  These are traditional courses that have been integrated with service hours throughout the semester. The number of service hours varies by course and are up to the professor's discretion.

Eligibility Requirements

To enroll in the Service Learning course, students must have:

  • A minimum institutional or overall GPA of 2.0 (3.25 for SLS 2940H SERVICE LEARNING), and
  • Honors Program permission for registration in SLS 2940H SERVICE LEARNING

The Office of Strategic Learning Initiatives has the discretion to provide override approval as it relates to the waiver of required program/discipline-related courses.

How Credits Apply

Students may complete a maximum of four Service Learning experiences (equivalent to four credits) while attending Valencia. Each experience/credit requires a minimum of 20 total hours of service.

Service Learning credits may apply toward an Associate in Arts degree to fulfill elective credit requirements. In addition, the Service Learning course is a degree elective option in the Accounting, Computer Information Technology, Medical Information Coder/Biller, Medical Office Administration, and Office Administration Associate in Science degrees and in the Business Management, Marketing and Administration Associate in Science degree. The course also will apply toward elective requirements in the Customer Service, Medical Coder/Biller, Medical Office, and Office Administration technical certificates.

Information about Service Learning is available online at valenciacollege.edu/servicelearning.