Registration is the process of building your class schedule and enrolling in courses. Courses are offered for varying lengths of time in a term. There are three Full Terms in an academic year – Fall, Spring and Summer – which are approximately 15 weeks each. Courses also are taught in six, and eight week time periods through Flex Start scheduling. Generally, courses are offered 7:00 a.m. to 10:00 p.m., Monday through Sunday and may be taught on campus and/or online.
Before you register for classes every term you will be asked to provide the College with your current emergency contact information and mailing address.
Registration information is available in Atlas and registration is conducted through your Atlas account: Prior to registration each term, you must accept the Student Enrollment Agreement.
As a returning degree-seeking student, you are eligible for registration based on your registration time ticket and the number of credits you have earned plus the credits from your current enrollment.
As a new degree-seeking student, you will be eligible for registration after participating in New Student Orientation.
You may register in an Atlas Access Lab on any campus or from any remote location that provides Internet access.
Until the first day of classes, registration and schedule changes are made through Atlas. Once classes begin, you may continue to use Atlas to drop a course (until the Drop/Refund Deadline) or to add a course that has not met. If you want to add a course the same day as the first class meeting, you must go to a campus Answer Center for assistance and be registered prior to the time the class begins.
If you are a degree-seeking student and you have mandatory course requirements, you must be registered in these courses in accordance with Valencia College's requirements for completing Mandatory Courses or the registration system will drop you from all courses.
To secure your course schedule, all of your fees must be paid by the fee payment deadline; your fee payment deadline is based on the date that you register. To determine your specific payment deadline, check your Atlas account or the Important Dates and Deadlines calendar.
Each term you decide whether you want to be a part-time or a full-time student. You may be part-time one term and full-time the next term. When you register, you may register for classes on more than one campus for the same term. In addition, you may register for a combination of Full Term and Flex Start classes.
If you have a “registration hold” on your record, you will need to resolve the hold before you can register. To find out where to resolve a hold, you may go to and click on the Registration tab or you may visit any campus Answer Center for assistance.
To use a high school course(s) as a prerequisite for a Valencia College course, you will need to provide evidence through your official high school transcript of having satisfied the prerequisite(s).
A description of courses offered by Valencia College is located in the Courses Offered section. Prior to registration each term, you are encouraged to review the descriptions of the courses in which you plan to enroll. If you are a degree-seeking student, you should develop an education plan that will reflect course requirements and specify the courses in which to enroll each term. You are encouraged to create an education plan and meet with your Student Success Coach to review your plan.
Course Audit
When you register for a college credit course for which you do not want credit, you may audit the course. If you are auditing a course and remain in the course beyond the drop/refund deadline for the term, your final grade will result in an "X". To audit, you do not have to have special permission, but you must meet course prerequisites and/or co-requisites. After you register, you must go to the Answer Center to change the course registration status to audit. This status change must be done by the Change of Credit to Audit Deadline listed in the Academic Calendar in the online official catalog.
Once the Change of Credit to Audit Deadline has passed, you may not change from audit status to credit status or from credit status to audit status.
As an audit student you must meet the admission requirements of Valencia College and pay the registration fees.
You must regularly attend and prepare for class. You may participate in all class activities, but you will not be required to take examinations and will be given neither grades nor credit.
Auditing a course does not count as an attempt.