Entry Testing for Non-Native Speakers of English
Instruction at Valencia is in the English language. Students must have adequate mastery of the English language to pursue a course of study for credit. If you are seeking a degree or a career certificate or you are a Dual Enrollment student, you must complete an approved entry test. If you want to enroll in a course with an English, reading or mathematics prerequisite, and you have not satisfied the prerequisite through successful completion of course work, as determined by Valencia, you must complete the Postsecondary Education Readiness Test (PERT), an approved entry test (ACCUPLACER ESL [LOEP], IELTS, TOEFL, SAT or ACT), or qualify for placement in English for Academic Purposes courses as specified in the Valencia College Intensive English Program (IEP) to English for Academic Purposes (EAP) Bridge Agreement.
You will not be required to demonstrate English as a second language proficiency if you have completed Freshman English Composition or its equivalent (as determined by Valencia) with a grade of C or higher; or have earned an Associate in Arts degree, Bachelor’s degree or higher at an institution in which English was the language of instruction. Official college/university transcripts are required for documenting English proficiency.
The ACCUPLACER ESL (LOEP), IELTS, TOEFL, Duolingo, SAT and ACT are the tests of English proficiency for non-native speakers of English used for initial course placement at Valencia. Most students take only one of these four tests. ACCUPLACER ESL (LOEP) must have been taken at Valencia to be accepted. Scores from any of the tests listed above must be less than two years old at the time of term registration.
The ACCUPLACER ESL (LOEP) test includes a typed essay in English and three additional sections- reading skills, sentence meaning, and language usage. Your placement will be based on an average of these scores. You must have applied to Valencia and paid the college application fee to take the ACCUPLACER ESL (LOEP). No additional fee is required for the first attempt. The ACCUPLACER ESL (LOEP) may be taken on any Valencia campus; allow approximately two hours for completion. To take the ACCUPLACER ESL (LOEP), visit the Testing & Assessment Office on any campus and bring an official, government-issued photo identification such as a driver’s license or a passport. You may take the ACCUPLACER ESL (LOEP) twice in a one-year period with a 1-day wait time between tests. Number of attempts is calculated from the anniversary of your first attempt. Once you begin course work in English for Academic Purposes (EAP), you are no longer eligible to retest on the ACCUPLACER ESL (LOEP).
The TOEFL (Test of English as a Foreign Language), IELTS (International English Language Testing System), and SAT (Scholastic Aptitude Test) exams are offered in test centers throughout the world. To use TOEFL, IELTS, or Duolingo scores at Valencia, you must submit an official score report to International Student Services.
Intensive English Program (IEP) to English for Academic Purposes (EAP) Bridge Agreement
Immigrants, Non-Immigrants (international students), refugees and U.S. citizens who do not speak English as a native language can qualify for placement in EAP courses after fulfilling IEP requirements as stated in the Valencia College Intensive English Program (IEP) to English for Academic Purposes (EAP) Bridge Agreement. If you complete a minimum of 2 sessions in the Intensive English Program and receive a grade of “B” or higher in IEP Level 6, you will be eligible for placement in EAP Level 5. If you complete a minimum of 2 sessions in the Intensive English Program and receive a grade of “B” or higher in IEP Level 8, you will be eligible for placement in EAP Level 6.
If you place in EAP courses, you may take the Math portion of the PERT once you are eligible for EAP Level 5 coursework. You may enroll in a math course along with your EAP Level 6 courses.
Immigrants, Refugees and U.S. Citizens Who Do Not Speak English as a Native Language
If you are an immigrant (Permanent Resident), refugee or U.S. citizen who does not speak English as a native language, your entry testing will begin with the PERT, and you may also be required to complete the ACCUPLACER ESL (LOEP).
If you know you want to improve your English language skills through English as a second language courses, you may ask to begin with the ACCUPLACER ESL (LOEP); however you will still be required to take the PERT reading and writing sections.
If your test scores placed you beyond EAP courses, the PERT in English, reading and mathematics will be used to place you in appropriate courses.
The Testing/Placement Chart for English for Academic Purposes that provides scores and corresponding course placements is located at https://catalog.valenciacollege.edu/entrytestingplacementmandatorycourses/testingplacementcharts/.
If you place into EAP courses, you may take the Math portion of the PERT once you are eligible for EAP level 5 coursework. For additional assistance, you can meet with a Student Success Coach in Advising Services. For further information about the PERT, see the PERT page.
Non-Immigrants (International Students)
If you are an international student and wish to be admitted to Valencia on an F-1 visa, your test scores must place you at EAP Level 4 or higher. Please note that EAP courses are not available at all campus locations.
The Testing/Placement Chart for English for Academic Purposes (EAP) that provides scores and corresponding course placements is located at https://catalog.valenciacollege.edu/entrytestingplacementmandatorycourses/testingplacementcharts/.
If you place in EAP courses, you may take the Math portion of the PERT once you are eligible for EAP Level 5 coursework. You may enroll in a math course along with your EAP Level 6 courses.