All of Valencia’s A.A. degree, A.S. degree, B.S. degree, Certificate Programs, and most Accelerated Skills Training Programs are approved for veterans’ educational benefits. To check the status of a particular program, please contact our Veterans’ Affairs Office at 407-582-8387.
To receive veteran’s benefits, contact the Student Services Office on any Valencia campus. You will be required to receive academic advising prior to your registration and you must follow your specified degree program. To inquire about receiving veteran’s benefits for Accelerated Skills Training Programs, contact the Client Service Center at 407-582-6688 for advising prior to your registration.
Commission and Recruitment Policy
Valencia College is dedicated to safeguarding the best interests of all students, including those who are military personnel, veterans, and dependents. As a public state institution of higher education, we adhere to both federal and state laws as our guiding principles.
Valencia College adheres to regulation ED 34 C.F.R 668.14, which prohibits the use of commission, bonus, or any other form of incentive pay to secure enrollments or award financial aid. As a Title IV participant, Valencia College follows the guidelines set forth in the program participation agreement outlined in 668.14. We do not incentivize admissions, recruitment, enrollment, or financial aid, as stated in section (i). Under no circumstances do we provide any commission, bonus, or incentive payment, directly or indirectly, based on the success of securing enrollments or the awarding of financial aid, to any individual or entity involved in student recruitment, admissions activities, or decisions regarding the disbursement of Title IV, Higher Education Act (HEA) program funds.
Valencia College adheres to regulation ED 34 C.F.R. 668.71-668.75, establishes the prohibition of substantial misrepresentation by participating schools in the Title IV program. Valencia College is committed to upholding the highest standards and will not engage in any behavior that can be deemed as misrepresentation. Misrepresentation is defined as any false, erroneous, or misleading statement made directly or indirectly by an eligible institution, its representatives, or any ineligible institution, organization, or person with whom the eligible institution has an agreement to provide educational programs or marketing, advertising, recruiting, or admissions services. This includes statements that have the likelihood or tendency to deceive, regardless of the medium used for communication. Misrepresentation also encompasses the dissemination of student endorsements or testimonials obtained through duress or as a requirement for program participation.
Furthermore, Valencia College complies with the Department of Defense Memorandum of Understanding (DoD MOU), adhering to the following regulations:
- Prohibition of inducements: We strictly prohibit offering any gratuity, favor, discount, entertainment, hospitality, loan, transportation, lodging, meals, or any other item of significant monetary value to individuals or entities, including third-party lead generators or marketing firms, except for salaries paid to employees or fees paid to contractors in accordance with applicable laws. This prohibition aims to ensure that enrollments of service members or access to Tuition Assistance (TA) funds are not secured through improper means. However, educational institution-sponsored scholarships or grants and tuition reductions available to military students are permissible.
- Prohibition of incentive payments: We refrain from providing any commission, bonus, or other incentives directly or indirectly based on securing enrollments or federal financial aid, including TA funds, to individuals or entities engaged in student recruiting, admission activities, or decision-making processes related to student financial assistance.
- Prohibition of high-pressure recruitment tactics: We do not employ high-pressure recruitment tactics, such as making multiple unsolicited contacts (three or more) via phone, email, or in-person, and engaging in same-day recruitment and registration solely for the purpose of securing enrollments of service members. We are committed to ensuring that recruitment processes are conducted in a fair and transparent manner.
Valencia College remains steadfast in our commitment to upholding these regulations and providing a trustworthy and ethical educational environment for all students, including our military and veteran students.
College Financing Plan
Valencia College is committed to using the College Financing Plan (Shopping Sheet) to all prospective veteran and service members. The personalized Shopping Sheet contains standardized information describing the cost of attending, and the federal and state financial aid which is available. The College Financing Plan is made available through the Atlas web login.
Veterans Receiving Tuition Assistance
Before enrolling at Valencia College, students are encouraged to contact their Educational Services Officer associated with their branch of service.
Here at Valencia College all tuition assistance is processed through the business office. The Point of Contact at the business office is Joy Misener, she will assist you with any questions you might have and also process your tuition assistance.
Benefit Checks
Benefit payments will vary depending upon your individual eligibility. The first monthly payment will arrive no sooner than the 1st of the month after your term starts. Unless specified, the benefit payment is in check form and mailed to you. However, you can specify to have the check direct deposit depending on the request made on the EBenefits application. You may apply for direct deposit of your checks by calling 1-800-827-1000 or by going to
Certification Requirements
Veteran students shall not be automatically renewed for benefits and certified each term. All veteran students are required to submit a certification request for benefits each term. The veteran student who submits a certification request form is agreeing to have their benefits requested and certified by Valencia College. All veteran students receiving VA education assistance (chapters 30, 31, 33, ToE, 35, and 1606) will receive the in-state tuition and fee rate. To qualify, students must submit the C.W. Bill Young Tuition Waiver along with supporting documentation confirming residency in Florida. Acceptable documents include a Florida driver’s license, lease agreement, or utility bill with a Florida address. Active-duty service members must provide a copy of their orders. These waivers must be submitted before the end of the term to take effect. Waivers cannot be applied retroactively to previous terms. The waiver is valid for one year, after which the student must establish Florida residency.
Deferment for Payment of Registration Fees for Veterans
The Veteran’s Certifying Official in the Student Services Office will issue a deferment for payment of student fees when you register for classes and submit a certification request. If you have had a break in your educational program, you may need to provide an updated VA Certificate of Eligibility (COE), register for classes, and a certification request. While tuition and fee payment is pending from the VA, Valencia College will not: prevent your enrollment; assess a late penalty fee; require you to secure alternative or additional funding; deny you access to any resources (access to classes, libraries, or other institutional facilities) available to other students who have satisfied their tuition and fee bills. To qualify for this provision, you will be required to: produce the VA Certificate of Eligibility (COE) by the first day of class; provide a request to be certified using the Atlas system; and provide any additional information needed to properly certify your enrollment.
The deferment of payment applies to all chapters but specifically to students receiving chapter 31, 33, and 35 benefits. Valencia College shall not impose financial or access penalties for up to 90 days.
Academic Standards for Receiving Veteran’s Benefits
All students receiving veteran’s benefits must maintain a minimum 2.0 cumulative overall grade point average and a completion ratio of at least 50% of the credits attempted over the previous two consecutive terms.
If you fail to meet these requirements, benefits will be terminated. To reinstate your benefits, you must bring your grade point average and completion ratio up to the required levels or appeal the decision in Valencia's Veteran's Affairs Office.
Late Drops/Late Withdrawals
Valencia College will allow you to drop or withdraw from your courses after the published deadlines if a student is recalled to active duty. For more information, review the procedure published with the Late Withdrawal Without Refund/Late Drop With Refund form, available via Atlas. Once granted, the course will remain on your transcript with a grade of MR to indicate Military Recall. Note that Late Drops and Late Withdrawals may impact your standards of academic progress and can affect your benefits.
Standards of Progress for receiving Veteran’s Benefits in Criminal Justice Institute Programs and Accelerated Skills Training Programs
Students enrolled in any Criminal Justice Institute Training Program or Accelerated Skills Training Program must maintain satisfactory progress.
Criminal Justice Institute Training Program
Students are required to attend all classes and take all examinations required by the Criminal Justice Training Institute and the Criminal Justice Standards and Training Commission, receive a minimum score of 80%, and demonstrate proficiency to receive a passing grade of “P.” An “F” in any course will cause the student to retake the course.
Students will be dismissed from the program and terminated from Veteran’s Benefits if they fail two examinations (courses) in the program or have any unexcused absences.
Accelerated Skills Training Program
Students must attend all classes and take all examinations required by the respective certifying bodies to maintain satisfactory progress towards completion of the program in which enrolled. Students are required to complete all specific coursework, earn a minimum score of 70% on classwork/exams, and demonstrate proficiency by obtaining recognized industry credentials to receive a passing grade of "P". A non-passing grade in any course will result in the student retaking the course.
Students may be dismissed from Accelerated Skills Training Programs and have their Veteran's Benefits terminated if they fail to achieve program requirements for industry credential examinations or exceed program attendance requirements for unexcused absences.
Excused absences are given when a student can show evidence of illness, death in immediate family, jury duty, or other equally serious reason for non-attendance. The program manager will determine if an absence is excused or unexcused.
Notifications to Veteran’s Certification Office
- Progress reports are filed with the VA Certification Office each month. These reports show grades as “P” passing or “F” failing as well as dates and hours of absence.
- Veteran’s Benefits recipients are notified of progress by the VA Certification Official with emphasis on the fact that continuation of unsatisfactory progress and/or unexcused absences will result in an interruption of VA Benefits.
Conditions of Re-entry
A student may re-enter the program following dismissal due to unsatisfactory progress or conduct only when the following conditions exist:
- The cause of the unsatisfactory conduct or progress has been removed.
- It is deemed through counseling that the program which the veteran or eligible person now proposes to pursue is suitable to his/her aptitude, interests and abilities.
- The student meets all requirements of the academy at the time of reapplication.
C.W. Bill Young Tuition Waiver
The C.W. Bill Young tuition waiver waives out-of-state tuition and fees for covered eligible individuals under (Chapters 30, 31, 33, 35, 1606, ToE, or Active Duty). If you cannot prove Florida Residency for tuition purposes, this is another option for you. The waiver is valid for one year, after which the student must establish Florida residency.
This waiver is granted to four different groups of students:
- Honorably discharged veteran of the United States Armed Forces, the United States Reserve Forces, or the National Guard who physically resides in the state of Florida while enrolled in the institution and who is NOT receiving educational assistance from the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs.
- Copy of DD214 Certificate of Release
- Proof of residing in Florida. This may include, but is not limited to a copy of Florida driver's license, Florida identification card, or a copy of lease
- Additional documentation that may be required
- Student who is entitled to and receiving educational assistance provided by the U. S. Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) and who physically resides in the state of Florida while enrolled in the institution. The waiver will not be granted in this category once VA educational assistance is exhausted or for any term if the student does not elect to utilize VA educational assistance.
- Copy of VA Certificate of Eligibility
- Proof of residing in Florida. This may include, but is not limited to, copy of Florida driver's license, Florida identification card or copy of lease
- Additional documentation that may be required
- Individual using educational assistance from the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs under Chapter 31, Veterans Readiness & Employment (VR & E) who physically resides in the state of Florida while enrolled in the institution. The waiver will not be granted in this category once VA educational assistance is exhausted or for any term if the student does not elect to utilize VA educational assistance.
- Copy of VAF 28-1905
- Proof of residing in Florida. This may include, but is not limited to copy of Florida driver's license, Florida identification card or copy of lease
- Additional documentation that may be required
- Active Duty member of the Armed Forces of the United States residing or stationed OUTSIDE of the state of Florida
- Proof of Active Duty Status
Request the Florida Out-of-State Tuition and Fee Waiver Form.
When you send in the waiver, make sure to enclose one proof of Florida residency. This could be your Florida driver's license, lease agreement, or a utility bill showing a Florida address.
Please note: The waiver can only be applied for the current term. The waiver cannot be applied for past terms.
The waiver can be submitted to
If you have any further questions, the VA office can be reached at 407-582-8387