2025-26 Catalog

Answer Center

An Answer Center is located on each campus. At the Downtown Campus, this office is known as First Stop. Answer Center services are also available virtually.

The Answer Center should be your first stop in seeking answers to questions regarding college processes and procedures. Cross-trained Enrollment Navigators, knowledgeable about admissions, financial aid, advising and many other areas, are available to work with students. Enrollment Navigators in the Answer Center have the ability to clarify initial educational goals; answer questions about the admissions process; answer financial aid questions and refer students to financial aid specialists as necessary, and describe the entry process and direct students to preparation materials. Enrollment Navigators can help students continue with the processes and procedures to achieve their goals including change of major, degree audits, transcript requests, financial aid, and graduation applications.

Answer Center locations:

Downtown Campus - UnionWest 105 
East - Bldg 5, Rm 211 
Lake Nona - Bldg 1, Rm 149   
Osceola - Bldg 2, Rm 105
Poinciana - ​Bldg1, Room 101
West - SSB, Rm 106
Winter Park - Bldg 1, Rm 206