2025-26 Catalog

Application Instructions

You must apply for financial aid each academic year.

  1. Be a degree-seeking student at Valencia or be a certificate-seeking student in an eligible Technical Certificate, Career Certificate or Educator Preparation Institute program, and take courses that are required for that degree or certificate.
  2. Provide the Admissions/Records Office with an official final copy of your high school transcript, home school affidavit, or GED score report, or, if you are a college transfer student, provide an official copy of your transcript from each institution you have attended. If you are a transfer student who has not earned an associate's degree you must also provide completion of high school (high school transcript with graduation date, GED transcript, or a home school affidavit). Transfer course work must be evaluated before an award can be made.
  3. Complete the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) and submit it to the federal processor. Valencia College’s school code number is “006750.” For Valencia to process your financial aid, you must include this number on your FAFSA. You may submit the FAFSA using one of the following methods:
    • Online at https://studentaid.gov/ (Allow at least 2-3 business days for processing)
    • Regular mail (Allow at least six weeks for processing)
  4. Research and apply for scholarships. Check the financial aid link on Valencia’s Web site at valenciacollege.edu/finaid and the scholarship listing on the Valencia College Foundation Web site at valencia.org.

Other important application information:


The federal government requires that some applications be reviewed for accuracy through a process called "Verification”. If you are selected for this process, you will be required to provide additional documentation to our office for review. You will be notified through your Atlas e-mail account or by letter which documents you will need to provide to complete your financial aid file.

Federal Eligibility Matches

The federal processor matches your name and social security number with a variety of federal agencies. Agency matches are performed against the files of the Social Security Administration, Department of Homeland Security, Selective Service and the National Student Loan Data System. If any discrepancies or questions about your information occur, you will be asked to provide additional documents or take additional action to confirm your eligibility for federal assistance. The federal processor will notify you of the results of these matches and whether additional information is required in order for your application to be processed.

Transfer Students Who Have Applied for Financial Aid at Another Institution

If you previously applied for federal financial aid at another institution and now want to apply for financial aid at Valencia, you must submit a FAFSA for the current academic year and include Valencia College’s school code (006750). If your FAFSA for the current academic year was submitted without Valencia College’s school code, you need to go online and add Valencia College’s school code (006750) to your FAFSA.

 If you are a college transfer student seeking a degree or technical certificate, you must submit a complete official transcript from each college and university you have attended. Your financial aid eligibility cannot be determined until Valencia College has received and evaluated all the transcripts for transfer credit. Transcripts are evaluated within 30 business days of receipt. 

All transfer credits must be included in the calculation for Satisfactory Academic Progress for Financial Aid Purposes, and there are three satisfactory progress requirements:

  1. You must maintain at least a 2.0 Valencia grade point average and at least a 2.0 overall grade point average, and
  2. You must have successfully completed at least 67% of the credits you have attempted at all colleges, and
  3. You may attempt no more than 150% of the credits required for your degree or certificate.

Transient Students

If you are enrolled as a transient student, you are not eligible for financial aid through Valencia College.