All financial aid is dependent upon the availability of federal, state, local and institutional resources. To be eligible for financial aid, you must:
- Be accepted as a degree-seeking student to an A.A., A.S., B.S., or B.A.S. Degree program, or be accepted as a certificate-seeking student in an eligible Technical Certificate, Career Certificate or Educator Preparation Institute program by the Drop/Refund Deadline for each term.** Change of major requests received after the Change of Major Deadline listed in the Important Dates and Deadlines calendar will be processed for the next term.
- Be making satisfactory academic progress for financial aid purposes.
- Be a U.S. citizen, a national, or an eligible non-citizen.
- Enroll at least half time (six credits) for most programs. Enrollment must be in courses required for your degree or certificate.
- Not be in default on a prior student loan.
- Not owe a repayment or overpayment of a federal grant.
- Not have an existing financial obligation to Valencia College.
- Have a standard high school diploma, GED or equivalent. If you graduated from a high school outside the U.S. you must have the equivalent of a high school diploma in the U.S. as evaluated by the International Student Services Office.
- As a college transfer student, have an official transcript from each previously attended institution submitted to, and evaluated by, Valencia College. If the previously attended institution is not regionally accredited, you must submit an official transcript of a standard high school diploma, GED or equivalent. If you have not earned a minimum of an associate's degree, you must submit an official transcript of a standard high school diploma, GED or equivalent. If any of your transcripts are from an institution outside the U.S., its territories or commonwealths, you must arrange to have the transcripts from all institutions outside the U. S. evaluated at your expense. If the institution is affiliated with a regionally accredited body, no evaluation is required. Additional information and the list of college-approved evaluation agencies are available in the campus Answer Centers, in the Foreign Credentials Evaluation Agencies section and online at You must submit to the evaluation agency a complete record of all subjects you have taken and examinations you have passed; these records must carry the official seal of the educational institution. College or university records/transcripts should be evaluated course-by-course for educational purposes.