2025-26 Catalog

Payment of Financial Aid

Your financial aid payment will be based on the number of credits in which you are enrolled that apply toward your degree or certificate. The maximum financial aid amount is allocated for enrollment as a full-time student (12 or more credits) and prorated if you are enrolled less than 12 credits

Some financial aid programs do not fund part-time enrollment.

Your financial aid award amount may be adjusted based on your enrollment status as determined after the Drop/Refund Deadline listed in the Academic Calendar in the online official catalog or, in the case of late awards, at the time the award is approved. You must meet all eligibility requirements at the time payment is made for your payment to be issued. If you are registered for a Flex Start course(s), your enrollment status will be determined when the last course has begun. Financial aid will not be disbursed until after the No Show Reporting Period for all courses in which you are enrolled. Only courses considered complaint (required) for your degree or certificate will be included in your enrollment status for payment of financial aid. If a course is not compliant (required) for your degree, it will not be considered in calculating your financial aid award and may not be covered with financial aid.

If a debt is owed to Valencia College (parking fine, VA deferments, etc.), the college reserves the right to apply any amounts due against any refund payable to the student account. For any remaining credit, the balance will be electronically deposited to your bank account in accordance with your selected refund preference.