2025-26 Catalog

Refund of Fees

(College Policy: 6HX28:06-08.1 Student Fees and Refunds)

It is your responsibility to ensure all your courses are dropped by the Drop/Refund Deadline listed in the Important Dates and Deadlines calendar. If you drop a course(s) by the Drop/Refund Deadline, all tuition and refundable fees will be refunded. (Application and certain other fees are not refundable.) These refunds are processed by the Business Office approximately 15 business days after the first Drop/Refund Deadline for the term and weekly thereafter.  Visit https://valenciacollege.edu/students/business-office/important-deadlines.php for more information on refund dates.

All refunds for fees are processed as follows:

If your fees were paid by a third-party agency, that agency will receive the refund to the extent of its payment to your account.

For any remaining credit, the balance will be disbursed in accordance with your refund preference. Valencia College encourages all students to have their refunds deposited electronically, but you are not required to do so in in order to receive your refund.   However, selection of an electronic refund preference will ensure timely receipt of any refunds due to you at Valencia College. If you did not choose a refund preference, a paper check will be issued to the address currently on file in Atlas. For additional information, please visit https://valenciacollege.edu/students/business-office/refund.php

Valencia College reserves the right to apply your refund due against any outstanding balance on your student account.

If you are a financial aid recipient, your potential refund may be subject to applicable federal and state guidelines and laws. Refer to Repayment of Unearned Federal Financial Aid for additional details.

A student who has documented major extenuating circumstances may petition to be dropped after the published deadlines. Major extenuating circumstances are defined as, and limited to, the following:

  • Death of an immediate family member (spouse, mother, father, sister, brother, son, daughter, or legal equivalent thereof);

  • Documented medical emergencies resulting in medical confinement or incapacitation of a defined length;

  • Military Recall to active duty.

Students wishing more information about the petition process should review the procedure published in the “Late Drop (Administrative Refund) Request” form, available via Atlas under the Students tab, Student Forms channel, Admissions & Records section.