2025-26 Catalog

Learning Support Centers & Tutoring Services

Valencia provides a variety of learning support centers for currently-enrolled students. Although the centers are not the same on all the campuses, each campus has centers designed to assist students who need help in reading skills, writing skills, and/or mathematics skills. All students have the opportunity to utilize tutoring services, instructional software materials, and many other support materials. In addition, computer labs are available for use in completing Valencia course work. There are several Wi-Fi hotspot locations for students using their own wireless devices.

For current information on the purposes and operating hours of the learning support centers on each campus, you may obtain a listing from at https://valenciacollege.edu/students/learning-support/ or in the Answer Centers, Student Development Offices, libraries or academic department offices.

Tutoring is offered inside the Learning Support Centers on each campus. Valencia offers tutoring services at no charge to students for academic courses in which they are currently enrolled. Opportunities also exist for students who would like to be tutors. Tutoring services are specific to each campus and information about tutoring services is available at the Information Station on each campus.

Valencia also provides access to Brainfuse online tutoring, free of charge. Brainfuse is accessible through Canvas as well as through Valencia's tutoring guide (hyperlink the term "Valencia's tutoring guide" with the following link: https://libguides.valenciacollege.edu/c.php?g=1014597&p=7351876 and offers support in a variety of areas, including math, writing, science, business, computers and technology, nursing and allied health, study skills, and career exploration. Students can connect on demand with a live Brainfuse tutor for a drop-in session 24 hours a day, submit writing samples for detailed review, and access a variety of study tools such as virtual flashcards. Brainfuse is a great option for students who need tutoring assistance outside of the hours provided by Valencia's tutoring team or who need tutoring in a subject that is not offered through Valencia's online tutoring.