2025-26 Catalog

Academic Course Load

Your decision about the best course load for you in any given term depends on the amount of time you have to complete your academic work in addition to the other responsibilities in your life, such as the hours you work, travel time, and family responsibilities. College course work requires more of you than just the time to attend class. You also need to allow time for reading, studying, assignments, library research and group projects. For an estimate, plan to devote two hours outside of class for every hour that the course meets. It is better to take fewer courses and do well academically than to enroll in more courses than you can manage. Overloading your schedule can result in your withdrawing from one or more courses and/or not achieving academic success. The My Education Plan tool in Atlas or a Student Services staff member can assist you in determining the appropriate academic course load.

A full-time academic course load during Fall, Spring or Summer Terms ranges from a minimum of 12 credits to a maximum of 19 credits.

Any request for exception to an academic course load maximum must be evaluated by the AVP of Student Success or designee on your campus. In exceptional circumstances, the AVP of Student Succes or designee may grant you special permission to exceed the course load maximum of 19 credit hours. To request an exception of the academic course load maximum, contact your Student Success Coach.

Valencia reserves the right to limit the number of credits in which you can enroll if your academic record indicates the need for developmental course work or if you are placed on academic warning, probation or suspension.

Excess Hours Advisory Statement

Students should be aware of a provision affecting the tuition charges at the universities.

Section 1009.286, Florida Statutes, establishes an "excess hour" surcharge for a student seeking a baccalaureate degree at a state university. It is critical that students, including those entering Florida colleges, are aware of the potential for additional course fees. "Excess hours" are defined as hours that go beyond 120% of the hours required for a baccalaureate degree program. For example, if the length of the program is 120 credit hours, the student may be subject to an excess hour surcharge for any credits attempted beyond 144 credit hours (120% x 120).

All students whose educational plan may include earning a baccalaureate degree should make every effort to enroll in and successfully complete those courses that are required for their intended major on their first attempt. Florida college students intending to transfer to a state university should identify a major or "transfer program" early and be advised of admission requirements for that program, including the approved common prerequisites. Course withdrawals and/or repeats, as well as enrollment in courses nonessential to the intended major, may contribute to a potential excess hours surcharge.

This law was passed by the Legislature to encourage each student to complete the Bachelor’s degree in the most efficient way possible.