2025-26 Catalog

Class Attendance

(College Policy: 6Hx28: 4-7: Academic Progress, Course Attendance and Grades, and Withdrawals)

You are expected to attend all class meetings of all courses for which you are registered. Regular attendance and regular class participation are significant factors that promote success in college. For online courses, attendance is determined by consistently logging in and accessing the course content and completing courses in accordance with the syllabus.

You are expected to know the professor’s specific attendance policy as stated in the syllabus for each professor’s course. In the event of absence from a classroom course or the inability to participate in an online or hybrid/mixed-mode course, you should contact your professor as soon as possible to indicate the reason and to inquire whether make-up work is possible. Make-up work is offered solely at the discretion of your professor.

“No Show” Status

Class attendance is required beginning with the first class meeting. If you do not attend the first class meeting, you will be reported as a “no show.” Faculty must report students who are not actively participating in an online class and/or do not submit the first assignment by the scheduled due date as a "no show" by the end of the No-Show Reporting Period. If you are reported as a “no show,” you will be financially responsible for the class and a final grade of “WN” will appear on your transcript for the course.

Professors must certify that students are actively attending an online course or hybrid/mixed-mode courses that does not meet face-to-face within the no-show period. Students will be required to complete at least one of the following for each online or hybrid/mixed-mode course that does not meet face-to-face within the no-show period:

1. Submit an assignment online

2. Take an online assessment

3. Participate in an online discussion about academic matters

4. Complete an online interactive tutorial or computer-assisted instruction that is trackable

5. Initiate contact with the professor to ask a question about the academic subject studied in the course