2025-26 Catalog


You should learn and understand the evaluation system used in your courses (as outlined in each course syllabus) and you should meet with your professors during the term to discuss your academic progress. The evaluation of your course work will be reflected in a final letter grade assigned by the professor at the end of each term:

Grade Rating Quality Points (per credit)
A Excellent 4
B Good 3
C Average 2
D Passing Below Average 1
F Failure 0
S+* ‡ Satisfactory (A,B,C) 0
S-* ‡ Satisfactory (D) 0
I* Incomplete 0
W* Withdrawal 0
R20*~ No Credit 0
WN* Withdrawal No Show 0
X^ Audit 0
AR** Administrative Refund 0
MR** Military Recall 0
M* No Grade Submitted 0
U* Unsatisfactory 0

These grades do not affect GPA but will affect academic honors and do count as attempts.


 An Audit does not affect GPA or academic honors and does not count as an attempt.


 These grades generate a refund and do not count as an attempt. 

Covid-19 Pandemic Grading Option.


May be issued during declared emergencies.

If you believe you have been assigned an incorrect grade, please see the Academic Grievance Process section of this catalog.

Grades are rolled to academic history three times per year at the end of each full term. Fall grades are posted in December, Spring grades are posted in May, and Summer grades are posted in August. Dual enrollment students taking courses at their high school will have grades posted in accordance with the high school grading schedule.