2025-26 Catalog


(College Policy: 6Hx28: 4-7: Academic Progress, Course Attendance and Grades, and Withdrawals)

An Incomplete grade may be assigned if you are progressing satisfactorily and, for valid reasons (emergencies such as serious illness or death of a family member), cannot complete the work of a course within the term. It is your responsibility to consult with your professor to determine if you qualify for the Incomplete grade.

If you are awarded an I (Incomplete) and you complete the required course work by the end of term for the following full term, the professor will change your grade from I to the appropriate grade (A – F). If you receive an I (Incomplete) and do not complete the required course work according to clear written criteria/schedule established by the professor in the following full term, your grade will be changed by your professor as defined in the course syllabus. If no grade is submitted by your professor to replace the I (incomplete), your grade will be changed from an I to an F.

If you receive an Incomplete grade, do not register for the same course again until your course grade for the term you received the Incomplete for is finalized by your professor.