2025-26 Catalog

Other Fees

Other services offered by Valencia carry the following non-refundable fees. All fees are subject to change without notice:

Transcript Fee (per transcript) $3.00
Career Assessment (within a three-month period):
Active Valencia students and high school students
Community residents
PERT or AAF Retake Fee (per subtest) $10.00
ACCUPLACER ESL (LOEP) Retake Fee $10.00
PERT Fee for Private School Students (per subtest) $10.00
PERT Fee for Non-Valencia Student $25.00
Credit by Examination:
CLEP General and Subject Examination (each) (subject to change by College Board)
CLEP Service Fee (per registration)
Local Credit by Examination (each)
Local Credit by Examination with Lab Exam (each)
Test of Essential Academic Skills (TEAS) for Nursing/Health Sciences programs for Valencia Students (per registration) $65.00
Test of Essential Academic Skills (TEAS) for Nursing/Health Sciences programs for non-Valencia students (per registration) $85.00
Criminal Justice Basic Abilities Test (per registration)(subject to change by FDLE) $39.00**
Experiential Learning Assessment Fee (per credit hour requested) $30.00
Administration of special assessments and distance learning examinations for other institutions $25.00
Photo ID replacement $5.00
Duplicate Technical Certificate Fee $7.00
Duplicate Diploma Fee $15.00
ACH failed transaction and Returned Check Fee based on face value of check:
$50 or less
$50 through $300
$300 or more
Account Collection Fee Up to 30% of Balance Due

Fee is set by test vendor and not Valencia College.


Registration and payment is direct through test vendor and not Valencia College.