The general education program at Valencia is designed to contribute to the student’s educational growth by providing a basic liberal arts education. A student who completes the general education program should have achieved the following outcomes:
Cultural and Historical Understanding: Demonstrate understanding of the diverse traditions of the world, and an individual’s place in it.
Quantitative and Scientific Reasoning: Use processes, procedures, data, or evidence to solve problems and make effective decisions.
Communication Skills: Engage in effective interpersonal, oral and written communication.
Ethical Responsibility: Demonstrate awareness of personal responsibility in one’s civic, social and academic life.
Information Literacy: Locate, evaluate and effectively use information from diverse sources.
Critical Thinking: Effectively analyze, evaluate, synthesize, and apply information and ideas from diverse sources and disciplines.
Area 1. Communications
Required Course- All students must take ENC 1101 FRESHMAN COMPOSITION I or ENC 1101H FRESHMAN COMPOSITION I - HONORS Freshmen Comp I Honors. The Freshman Composition course must be completed with a minimum grade of C to fulfill the Gordon Rule requirement.
Area 2. Humanities
Required Courses - There are 6 required credits. Students must take three credits hours from the Core offerings and three credit hours from Institutional offerings. One course must be a Gordon Rule (GR) course, and completed with a minimum grade of C to fulfill the Gordon Rule Requirement.
Area 3. Mathematics
Required Courses - There are 6 required credits. Students must take three credit hours from the Core offerings, and three credit hours from either the Core or Institutional offerings. All courses must be completed with a minimum grade of C to meet the Gordon Rule Requirement. Any student who successfully completes a mathematics course for which one of the general education core course options in mathematics is an immediate prerequisite shall be considered to have completed the mathematics core.
Area 4. Science
Required Courses -There are 6 required credits. Students must take at least three credit hours from the Core offerings and three credit hours from either the Core or Institutional offerings. Any student who successfully completes a natural science course for which one of the general education core course options in natural science is an immediate prerequisite shall be considered to have completed the natural science core.
Valencia does not require a science course with a laboratory. Courses with a C designation have a combined class and laboratory; however, university majors determine if the student must take one or more laboratory science courses at Valencia. To select the most appropriate science courses for your major or transfer plan, complete an education plan through Atlas.
Area 5. Social Science (3 Credits)
Required Courses - There are 3 required credits. Students are required to take one of the courses below to satisfy the Civic Literacy" course requirement. These courses will apply toward the Gordon Rule (GR) requirement and must be completed with a minimum grade of C to fulfill the Gordon Rule Requirement.