2025-26 Catalog

A.S. Degrees Transition to Bachelor’s Degrees

2 + 2 Bachelor’s Degrees offered at Florida State Colleges

Some A.S. Degrees will also transfer into specific 2+2 bachelor’s degree programs that are offered at Florida State Colleges. For a list of the Bachelor’s Degrees offered at Florida State Colleges. click here: https://www.fldoe.org/core/fileparse.php/5592/urlt/currentFCSBaccalaureates.xls.

Valencia College offers the following 2 + 2 Bachelor’s Degrees:

Statewide Agreements for A.S. Degrees to Bachelor’s Degrees

Certain A.S. degrees transition to bachelor degree programs in Florida’s public university system. These degrees, called Articulated A.S. to B.A./B.S. Career Path degrees, are designed for students who seek immediate employment in the specified field and who decide to continue to a Florida public university as a junior to complete a Bachelor’s degree in the specified field. The Articulated A.S. to B.A./B.S. Career Path degrees are included in the program pages in this catalog section, and additional information may be found at: Statewide Articulation Agreements.

A.S. to B.S. Degree Articulation Agreements with Public and Private Four-Year Institutions

Many articulation agreements between Valencia College and specific programs at various public and private four-year institutions provide students with opportunities to continue their educational pursuits to a Bachelor’s degree. For further information, visit: Valencia A.S. to B.S. Articulation Agreements with Public and Private Institutions.

A.S. Degrees to Bachelor’s of Applied Science (B.A.S.) Degrees

Some state colleges and universities offer the Bachelor of Applied Science degree (B.A.S.) which is designed to build on the Associate in Science degree (A.S.) for career advancement. This provides students the opportunity to gain additional skills and knowledge beyond the technical and workforce skills developed in the A.S. degree.

All of Valencia’s A.A./A.S. Degrees will transfer into Valencia’s B.A.S. (Bachelor of Applied Science) degree in Business and Organizational Leadership. The B.A.S. degree prepares students for supervisory and management roles in their respective field. This degree will provide you with the essential skills necessary for developing an effective business plan and give you hands-on experience using the latest best practices in the industry. For more information, visit: B.A.S. degree in Business & Organizational Leadership.